Sunday, February 9, 2025


A Tale of Endurance…

Photo credit: TVS

Google’s dictionary tells us that the meaning of ‘endure’ is “to suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently.” OK then, but what’s that got to do with bikes? Well, as those that have ridden bikes in inclement weather for long distances will know, plenty.

Let me get straight to the point. There is a Guinness World Record attempt at the Boardwalk Mall in Summerstrand, Gqeberha on the 4th and 5th of August where 21 rowers will attempt to row static row machines for 24 hours. The fund-raising beneficiaries will be primarily Rhino Conservation in the Eastern Cape with half of the funds raised, together with Grey College and the Redhouse Rowing Club sharing the other half. My daughter is participating as a member of one of the mixed teams. This got me thinking…

Image source: Redhouse Rowing Club

I have always tried to support my children in their sporting endeavours. I also fervently support Rhino Conservation, so I want to be part of this event, but how? Slowly a plan was hatched. Obviously, this plan must involve motorcycles. It just so happens that we have some recent 24-hour motorcycle record holders who have quite recently entered the SA motorcycle scene in force. I am speaking of TVS of course. The Indian National Speed Endurance Record, previously set at 3141 kilometres in 24 hours, was shattered by TVS with their gorgeous TVS Apache 310 RR, which covered 3657,92 kilometres in 24 hours at an average speed of 152 km/h, registering a top speed of 173 km/h! Quite an unbelievable testimony to the little bike’s speed and endurance.

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Photo credit: TVS

I shared my harebrained scheme with TVS’s Hans Greyling and Francois Van Eeden. Why don’t I ride an Apache 310 RR down to Gqeberha, in one day, spectate at the event and let one 24-hour record holder support another team in their 24-hour attempt and then ride back again in one go? This will give the Apache a 24-hr ride of its own, covering around 2400 k’s at speed. It will be a bit of an endurance effort for me too. At this time of year, much of the journey will be in sub-zero temperatures, given the wind chill factor, which the TVS will love, but me, not so much! But dammit, I have always said rather live one day as a lion than a lifetime as a sheep.

So, guys and gals, that’s the plan. At 6:00 AM this Thursday the little lion-hearted TVS and I will leave Pretoria for Gqeberha. The plan is to keep stops to a minimum. Splash’n dash. It will be interesting to see the fuel consumption on the Apache running for hours at the National speed limit. Maybe 120 plus VAT, if you know what I mean…this is going to be Tiddler Touring at its very best. If you believe in this cause, please open your wallets and your hearts. Donate to help keep our national rhino heritage intact. An Africa without Rhinos roaming wild and free is inconceivable, but as the saying goes, “for evil to succeed, good men must just do nothing”…

For more information about Row for Rhinos download here.

Photo credit: Michiel van Dam
Dave Cilliers
Dave Cilliers
My name is Dave Cilliers, from as far back as I can remember I have loved travel. Africa provides salve for the gypsy in my soul. My best trips are done travelling to unlikely places with unlikely vehicles, keeping it as simple and basic as possible.

